Sunday, May 23, 2010

The End of Preschool

Ristow is officially done with Preschool. He has been going to our church Preschool program since he was 18 months old when I took a position teaching there. Four years later he is done and ready for Kindergarten in the fall. We are all very excited for this transition.
Ristow and the other students put on a great program last week. They sang songs and then they had their graduation program. They performed wonderfully and I am very proud of him and the work he put into it.
I know you will probably think me a horrible mom, but I have never understood the need for preschool graduation. They get caps and gowns and everything. Doesn't this take away from how special it truly is when they actually graduate the larger things in life, if they are used to such a big deal being made about everything they do? Don't get me wrong, it was sweet seeing my son dressed up and walking across the stage, but I just felt like it was a little much for preschool.

Anyway, after the graduation program he expected gifts and a party and to go out to dinner. I know some highschool kids who never got that much. Well, we did give a few small tokens of congratulations and Grammy and Poppy took us all out to dinner to celebrate. It was very nice.
I hope Ristow knows how much we love him and are proud of him.