Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Beauty of Development

July was a month full of development. Development is defined as growth or a way in which things are improving.

With a new baby it is easy to see the ways she is developing and changing and this past month brought exciting ones. I am happy to report that Jessica is no longer on her prevacid medication and we are no longer having to go to our reflexologist every week as she is not longer spitting up profusely. It has been a month full of NOT having to change my clothes 3 times a day and NOT having to keep blankets and burp cloths all over the house and NOT having to worry about if she got her medication. I have to admit that I eased into the change quite easily and really haven't thought about it until today when I was looking through my prayer journal and realized what was different. So I praise God for little one's development and growth of their digestive systems.
She is also developing her sense of humor and laughs when she makes me laugh. I am so thankful for her and the beautiful little 8 month old that she is.

I have also seen development in Ristow. Besides getting his third loose tooth, he is growing in his understanding of the world and conversation and caring for others. He is getting ready to start Kindergarten on the 12th of this month and will be riding the bus like a big kid. He is really excited. I am eager to see all of the different types of development that start to change in a couple of weeks.

Also in July, Christopher and I took a vacation to Jamaica to celebrate 10 years of marriage. It was a vacation that brought refreshment and reconnection and grew us closer to one another. Development can be displayed in many ways.
As our lives continue to change, which is inevitable, I pray that the change is a developmental change that continues to lead to improvement and growth. Growth in our relationships, growth in our spiritual journey and growth in our love for one another.